Wrestling Through: Clinging to Who God is When Life Leaves us Hanging

Guest Post by Rachel Schelb
God is good, and He is able.
I’ve heard this sentiment my entire life. I believe this to be true, but how do I have faith when things go wrong? I remember several years ago when we had several church members die within a year from cancer. These were healthy individuals with families who loved the Lord. I knew God could heal, but would He? When He didn’t provide earthly healing, many of us were left wondering why.
I’ve had numerous conversations with God about why He has allowed me to endure various heartaches and experiences. It doesn’t seem fair that so many get to experience a life of relative ease, and others of us go through, what seems to be, a much more challenging existence.
What Does God’s Word Say?
Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Psalm 18:30 reminds us, “This God—His way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him.” When I get weary from the overwhelming elements of my situation, I remind myself of Isaiah 40:28. “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; His understanding is unsearchable.”
God’s Character Does Not Change
I believe with all my heart that God is good, and He is able to do far more abundantly than we could ever ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20). In the hard times, when all hope seems lost, I cling to the character of God that I have seen time and again in my life. I remind myself of His faithfulness and His unfailing love. He never says the grief and pain won’t come. Instead, God says that amid that pain, He will be my Refuge. He acknowledges that pain will come, but He does not leave my side! (John 16:33, Deuteronomy 31:8)
God Is Faithful!
I have seen God use my childhood trauma to encourage teenage girls in the thick of family issues and losing heart. I have seen God use my failed adoption to give me a more empathetic and passionate heart for adoptive and foster families. I have seen God use job loss, car troubles, and a myriad of other challenges to strengthen my marriage when it could have easily crumbled. I don’t know why hard things have to happen, but I cling to what I know. God is big enough to handle it all. He is faithful to hold me, without judgment, through the difficult circumstances, and He can and will use it for His Kingdom’s good.
Applying Truth
I loved how Rachel holds tight to truth in the midst of confusing situations and the hurts of life. She rehearses the truths of who God is and what He promises to her…He is faithful and ever present. He is our rock to cling to and the strong, steady hand that hold us and keeps us from falling.
Our humanity is tempted often to lose heart and grow weary in the middle of this fallen world as we seek to be faithful to God. We all wrestle at times and inwardly question the ways of God if we are honest. No one obeys perfectly. No one can understand fully this side of Heaven. This is why Jesus came. It’s why He invites you daily to come and be with Him. For that is where we find the hope and rest we need to persevere. And sharing the truths of our common struggles as believers helps us feel seen and encourages us to hold tight to hope. Together, we can become hope-filled wrestlers who lay it all at the feet of Jesus and move through the difficulties to live in the light of Christ.
If you would like to receive a free resource on practical ways to hold tight to hope, join the community by entering your email in the subscribe box below. You will receive a link in the confirmation email. If you would like to read more about holding tight to hope, check out this link, 10 Ways to Hold Tight to Hope When You Are Tempted to Lose Heart – terriprahl.com. Be sure to check out the other stories in the Wrestling Through Series on the blog as well – I have been greatly encouraged by their testimonies of enduring faith.
What bible truth or character trait of God do you cling to in the hard things?

Rachel Schelb is a podcaster, writer, and speaker living in Tampa, FL with her family. She’s been married to her husband, and best friend, since 2008 and they have two children. Rachel has experienced many “beauty from ashes” moments in her life, and she is honored to share what God has taught her through them all. She is passionate about helping people love well on purpose, being intentional and offering hope and encouragement to those around them. When she finds rare moments of free time, she can be found kayaking or baking custom sugar cookies for her side business. Rachel also hosts a weekly podcast with tips and encouragement to love well with intentionality. Love Well On Purpose podcast can be heard everywhere podcasts are streamed. Follow her on Instagram @rachelschelb and head over to rachelschelb.com to join her email list and find various free downloads just for you!