Wrestling Through Series
How a Round Table Discussion Softened the Rough Edges of My Grief
As I sat down at one of the round, white folding tables at the Wednesday evening ladies’ meeting, I began to question if I should have shown up at all. I had spent the day caring for my mother who,…
A Curious Faith by Lore Ferguson Wilbert
Christian non-fiction/spiritual growth/doubt, fear, the love of God
Truths to Rest in: Wrestling through Hindrances to Drawing Near
Living for Christ does not mean living free of any earthly woes. John 16:33 says, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.” We are exiles within a culture hostile to God. Because…
Living in the Reality of Grief and the Promise of Hope
I can lose track of the days easily at times. It seems like I constantly find myself wondering how a new month has already begun. Most days simply run together through the rhythm of monotony and routine. Except days like…
From Ashes to Beauty
The Testimony of Sue Corl One night as I was putting my ten year old daughter to bed, she asked me, “Mommy, can you tell me a story about something fun that happened to you in school when you were…
Wrestling Through: The Inconvenient Timing of the Hard, Painful Things
By Marnie Hammar I sat there, my hands tucked under my thighs with restraint, as my preschooler studied the three colorful story cards in front of us. Each card depicted a simple scene, and his task was to put them…
Wrestling Through Loss
By: Terri Prahl Even though I am no stranger to loss, watching the grief unfold in others still shocks me, dredging up deep, lingering questions. Why, Lord? How long, God? At some level, I already know. “In this world you…
Wrestling Through: Living in the Tension of Pain and Hope
Guest post by Pamela Henkelman The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.” Psalm 28:7 Lingering Pain I rose…
Wrestling Through: Moving through Fear and Anxiety Toward Greater Freedom and Faith in God
by Kelly Ann Snyder I have spent years struggling with generalized anxiety. From early childhood, well into adulthood. It wasn’t until shortly after turning 30 years old, after hitting rock bottom with anxiety and fear, that I finally surrendered my…
Wrestling Through: Clinging to Who God is When Life Leaves us Hanging
Guest Post by Rachel Schelb God is good, and He is able. I’ve heard this sentiment my entire life. I believe this to be true, but how do I have faith when things go wrong? I remember several years ago…