Simple Morning Devotions with Kids
The best place to begin each morning is setting our hearts and minds on the things of God. Without the rush of getting everyone off to school, it’s a great time to slow down and gather as a family if you don’t already practice this. But, you don’t have to buy devotionals or books if you don’t want to. The Bible is enough. I have listed 4 verses that you can use with your kids over the next month. If you take one verse per week and read it out loud each morning, by the end of the week, they will most likely have it memorized. You can read it or have a child read it. Then just discuss what it means. They could practice writing it out on a note card to put in their room. Be creative. One morning they could use colorful markers to write it out. Try writing it out on paper, cutting each word out like a puzzle, and having the kids put the sentence back together.One day they could use a chalkboard or sidewalk chalk outside. For little ones, they could trace over what you have written or just practice one of the key words. There are so many options. Then have them process the verse with the actions I have listed under the Scriptures(NLT).
1. Hebrews 10:24 “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.”
***Ask your kids to help you make a list of ways that they could motivate other people to be kind, show love, and do good works by being an example. They could make cards and send them to someone that might be lonely.
2. Psalm 56:3 “But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.”
***Ask your kids what makes them afraid right now. Stop and pray over those things and each child by name. How can they trust God with their fears? Write them out and throw them away after praying? Remind them that at this moment they are safe and ok. God loves them and is providing for them.
3. Psalm 34:1 “I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises.”
***What does it mean to praise? How do we do that ALL the time? Talk about how the words we use towards our family should also speak his praises. Good words flow from a good heart.
4. I Thessalonians 5:18 ” Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
***Make a family list of all the things to be thankful for even in this situation. Talk about how God expects us to be thankful. Young kids could draw pictures of things that bless their lives. There are so many options here, but thankfulness changes hearts and makes us easier to live with. 🙂
Other short verses:
I Thessalonians 5:16 “Always be joyful.”
I Thessalonians 5:17 “Never stop praying.”
You know your kids and what they might be struggling with, so adjust the verses to suit your needs if needed!