Unbound: Embracing the Full Forgiveness of Christ
As shared on the OhSoFree.org site on 6/27/22.

I have wasted precious time living bound by things God freed me from.
Why did I live bound? I believed the invasive lies of the enemy over the steadfast voice of God.
Many of these points of shame were experienced as a child before I even knew Christ personally or had the maturity to walk in the wisdom of God. I was a child. Therefore, I thought as a child. That is how God designed humanity to work. We grow through being taught and led. Impressionable children are not responsible for how ungodly people mislead them. God will hold those in authority over us accountable for their harm. He also knows whether we are ready for milk or meat and gives grace to become. He’s not looking for reasons to punish; His kindness leads us to repentance and life.
That is God’s goal for us – not to condemn or despise – but to help us walk worthy of who we are in Him. Ours is a gentle shepherd.
As an adult, I have found myself rehashing how dumb I felt in certain moments, poor words spoken, perceived failures, or how someone treated me with pity or disdain. I mentally berate myself for things confessed and covered. That is an unnecessary weight to bear, a heavy one indeed. Yet, I know that the enemy preys on our propensity to rehearse past wounds and live in fear, regret, and deep shame.
Even though I have walked with the Lord for several decades now and love abiding in the truth of Scripture, I understand I still don’t know everything. I can have the best intentions yet say the wrong thing, offending someone unaware. If I am not careful, all my imperfections and ongoing growth struggles can usher in a self-contempt that undermines the beloved dignity I possess in Christ.
To walk in freedom from the past, we must hold tight to the promises of forgiveness through salvation in Jesus.

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Hebrews 10:16-18 (NLT) says, “This is the new covenant I will make with my people on that day, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds. Then he says, “I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds.” And when sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices.”
To read the rest of the article, click here to visit the OhSoFree.org site! I would love to hear from you if it encourages you in any way!
In Christ,