Practical Steps to Peace
One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 26:3: “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” I believe this truth. Peace is not an elusive, intangible, lofty concept. Yet, it…
Strategic Planning for the Writing Life
When I worked as an administrative assistant, every year I was required to take a strategic driving course. For insurance purposes, they needed to know that I was aware of how to plan for unexpected incidents while driving on company…
When Distraction Derails Our Best Intentions
(And maybe even our wardrobes…) When my children were young, there was a time when money was tight as a one-income family. I had been wanting new furniture for our growing family, so I decided to get a part-time job…
What I learned from my Whole 30
A month ago, after being frustrated with not feeling well and struggling with daily heartburn and acid reflux that was causing a sore throat, I decided to search for a solution. A co-worker had often talked about doing a whole…