A Teacher, a Piece of Toilet Paper, and a Lesson in Grace
Out of all the moments we experience in our daily lives, there are certain memories that seem to be seared into our stories. I can’t remember what I ate last week, but I will never forget a moment in Mrs.…
Marriage: What it looks like to “suffer long”
The meaning of long-suffering in I Corinthians 13:4 is that love is “long-tempered” or “long of mind or soul”. The Vines Expository Dictionary of the NT defines it as follows: “to be patient, longsuffering, to bear with,” lit., “to be…
Before and After the Election: The Unchanging Promises of God
I am thankful for the freedom and hope that living in America brings. But far greater is the freedom and hope God provides through salvation. No matter what man accomplishes, God has a greater plan. He moves the heads of…