Holding the Gaze as an Act of Love
As Shakespeare once penned, the eyes are the window to the soul. Earlier still, the Bible calls the eyes the lamp of the body in Matthew 6:22-23. Our inner man peers out through our eyes, revealing the light we claim…
Parenting Series: Believing the Best Before Assuming the Worst
According to I Corinthians 13:7, agape love “believes all”. This can pretty much be summed up with the word confidence. When we believe God, we are putting our trust in His ability to do the things He says He will…
Parenting Series: Training our Minds Toward Truth before Training Theirs
As I am acutely aware of my own struggles along my parenting journey, it is with humility and grace that I write on this topic. Now that I am beginning to see my kids own their independence and faith, I…
Marriage: Being All In
Before I begin this last post in my marriage series, I want to be sure to reiterate that the love in I Corinthians 13 is agápē, meaning love, affection, or benevolence. I John 4:8 says that God is love. So, an…
Marriage: Humility in Action
In this fourth post on marriage, we will look at the character of God that was perfectly illustrated through the submission of Christ to carry out the Father’s will, leaving Heaven, humbling Himself as a man, and bearing the weight…
Marriage: What it looks like to “suffer long”
The meaning of long-suffering in I Corinthians 13:4 is that love is “long-tempered” or “long of mind or soul”. The Vines Expository Dictionary of the NT defines it as follows: “to be patient, longsuffering, to bear with,” lit., “to be…
Unwrapping the Gifts of Peace and Joy
Sometimes joy and peace seem like unattainable, elusive qualities – abstract concepts that are hard to quantify in our daily lives. I don’t know a lot of people (although I have known a few) who are brimming with unshakable peace…