Life Can Be Good Again: Putting Your World Back Together After it all Falls Apart by Lisa Appelo
Grief/Bereavement/Widows/Christian Living
Living in the Reality of Grief and the Promise of Hope
I can lose track of the days easily at times. It seems like I constantly find myself wondering how a new month has already begun. Most days simply run together through the rhythm of monotony and routine. Except days like…
How He Spoke Comfort Through the Silence of Grief
A faded hospital gown hung loosely around my disproportioned torso as I laid hugging my belly on a cold, metal triage cot. Moments earlier, the nurse had left the room after solemnly removing the fetal monitor from my belly, announcing…
Wrestling Through Loss
By: Terri Prahl Even though I am no stranger to loss, watching the grief unfold in others still shocks me, dredging up deep, lingering questions. Why, Lord? How long, God? At some level, I already know. “In this world you…
Wrestling Through: Even Mature Believers Face Struggles in their Faith
Wrestling Through Deep Loss and Grief My name is John Cox. I’m 73 years old and just happen to be Terri’s father. Terri asked me to write a short article on a time in my life when I was struggling. …
Community: Softening the Rough Edges of My Grief
As I sat down at one of the round, white folding tables at the Wednesday evening ladies’ meeting, I began to question if I should have shown up at all. I had spent the day caring for my mother who,…
Borrowed Trouble and a Missing Peace
Key Verses: Matthew 6:33-34 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow; for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the…
Walking Toward Hope When You Are Embittered by Grief
I sat in disbelief as the movie credits rolled and fresh tears dripped off my nose. I slowly wiped them away as my mind wrestled to make sense of the injustice played out on the big screen. These were real…
Be Still – Leaning Into God when Everything Falls Apart Edited by Sarah Westfall
30-Day Devotional