Happy November, friends!

After 3 years of sending this newsletter out, I have prayerfully decided that it is time to hit pause to assess my time, energy, and effectiveness of using this tool. I am thankful for each of you who have let this land in your inbox, and forever grateful for the few who opened and interacted with me in this space. It has been a blessing.

I plan to continue to write content on my blog that will be shared on Facebook or Instagram as I have time, so you can follow me there if you are interested.

I'm leaving one last link to the free resource on grace that compliments the concepts in my new book. The link to Amazon for the book can also be seen below.

Thanks again for allowing me to speak into your life as a sister in Christ through my writing here. May His grace fill you with all hope as you trust in Him.

-- Terri Prahl
Hey, friends! In case you've missed it, here is the free resource I created on growing in grace. Links below! If you find value in it, you may like my new book which is linked below as well! Thank you! :)
Community Members!

Here is a free resource that compliments the contents of my newest book, Grace: Reflections of a Heart Set on God!

I hope this little study of the doctrine of grace is an encouragement to you as you spend time thinking more deeply on the infinite kindness of God toward us. I pray that it prompts you to dive even deeper on your own into the hundreds of other Scripture passages about the grace that Christ brings to us as new creations.

Thank you to everyone who has prayed, cheered for, and purchased a copy thus far. It means so much! If you purchase a copy and read it, could you please leave a sentence or two in the Amazon review section to help my book be seen by others who might be encouraged by it? Any shares on social media really help widen my audience as well.

I am humbled with every share, purchase, and "atta-girl" given! Thank you for supporting this writing ministry. I pray it's a blessing always. The Amazon link is below for those interested. I have copies to sell locally and mail to those in the U.S. soon if that is preferred. Thanks!
6 x 9 front cover
Thanks for reading. See you soon!

Terri Prahl
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