March 2024 newsletter
90 Day Bible reading
In December, I shared my desire to read through the Bible in 90 days with the aid of Mary DeMuth's book, 90-Day Bible Reading Challenge. As of today, I have successfully completed both Mary's book and all 66 books of the Bible!

I had to play catch-up a few times, but overall I was pretty consistent. With such large chunks to read each day, falling behind would have derailed me for sure.

I have been reading//studying the Bible for over 35 years, and I needed this. I needed the discipline. I needed the new perspective. And I needed a refresher on how all the parts perfectly fit together. But most of all, I felt Spirit-led to do it, and that's why I was able to finish well.

Through committing an hour to an hour and a half each day to Scripture and Mary's superb syntheses of those passages, I have found this verse (NLT) to be personally true:

You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!

My mind has been immersed in the things of God: His character, His heart, and His plans for us. Reading at this faster pace didn't hinder my ability to abide as some criticized. It allowed for connections and insights that reading a story as a whole allows. It felt challenging some days for sure as discipline is hard...but discipline also yields a harvest of joy. (Note: I still managed to waste too much time scrolling my phone and watching tv.)

Read my blog post on how discipline produces delight here for more on what I learned from this challenge.

Please know that my sharing here is in no way putting a burden on you to do this challenge. There are no prescribed amounts of Scripture required to be read every day, and there are seasons for different types of study. I'm sharing to exhort you to be in the Word faithfully, however God leads you. This may be something that others would benefit from, and that's why we share good things at all:

"But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin (Hebrews 3:!3, ESV).
"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, (Hebrews 10:24, ESV).
"Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they set it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

May anything good that comes from me bring honor and glory to His name!

And now, a little funny picture of how perspective really matters. :) Last week I was sourcing vintage goods for my local market and came across a very large terra cotta duck planter. It was tucked way back in the corner behind other items, but I slowly cleared a path to find a price. As I looked at the tag, I couldn't believe it said it was only $12! I surmised it must have been made of something lighter like plastic for that price, so I tried to pick it up. It wouldn't budge. That was one heavy goose! I was so ecstatic that I about broke my back to get it in my tiny flea market cart. It was a tight squeeze, but I got it! Now, he did have kind of an odd face, so I immediately called one of my sisters to see what she thought of it. Though she wasn't a fan, she knew it was a great deal and would easily sell in my booth. So, I pushed the goose through the store as I continued to shop. Along the way, others commented on what a great find it was, how cute the goose was, etc. And I proceeded to tell them what a great price it was!! I was so tickled and pleased over this find.

I was happy until I went to check out and my total was $50 more than expected. As I asked the cashier to see the totals, I saw the goose was not in fact $12, but $62! The way the booth owner had written the dollar sign and made a curly "2" had tricked my eyes. Not willing to pay that price, and slightly embarrassed (lol), I left the goose behind. :(

My perspective on the handwritten tag was much different than the cashier's, who had knowledge of what this vendor's tags looked like. She had insight I didn't. And I had never conceived that it would have been that much. My assumptions led me to see what I had hoped to see.

Similarly, I think reading the Bible only in small sections, disjointed from a broader perspective of the overall context has often led to misinterpretations/misunderstandings of truth. It's easy to take one verse and apply it in ways that were never meant to be in the broader narrative. It's very easy for us to infer our preferences and human thinking onto a passage. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us that all Scripture is profitable, so we have to have knowledge beyond our favorite comfort passages. We have to be students of God's words over the course of our lives as we walk and abide with Christ. We will never understand it all this side of eternity, but the Spirit opens our eyes and enlightens our minds when we sincerely seek. Like with my goose, seeing clearly would have saved me from a misunderstanding and false hope. :)

I want to grow in the grace and knowledge of God through the discipline of Bible study, and I pray that in whatever way God leads, you will thirst for that too. Start somewhere and watch the Spirit move in and through your efforts. It's a beautifully humbling thing!

With love in Christ,
Terri Prahl

Exciting news!

One of my devotions will be included in this Thomas Nelson publication in conjunction with Proverbs 31 ministries. My piece is for the empty-nest mom, struggling to trust God with their grown children's lives. How can we relinquish our need to control to live with clear minds and peaceful hearts in this tricky stage of life?

This beautiful hardback, Clear Mind, Peaceful Heart, is available for preorder here.
The preorder includes early access to the first few chapters and other freebies. I haven't read all the devotions, but I know most of us need encouragement in the worry department, so if that's you, check it out. :)
Clear mind 8
Community Members!


If you have read my book and have been encouraged in any way by it, would you leave a review for me on Amazon? It doesn't need to be more than a couple of sentences about what the book specifically did for you. Saying it's a "great" book doesn't help another reader decide if they should order it or not. So, a sentence about how it helped you think of grace in new ways, etc. is best!

OR, you can respond to this email with a couple of sentences that I could include in a social media post. This will help it reach others who may benefit from it!

If you missed it, here is the link to the free resource, Embracing Grace, that compliments the contents of my newest book, Grace: Reflections of a Heart Set on God!

I hope this little study of the doctrine of grace is an encouragement to you as you spend time thinking more deeply on the infinite kindness of God toward us.
6 x 9 front cover
Thanks for reading. See you soon!

Terri Prahl
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