September 23 header
This past week, I went for a long walk around our neighborhood lakes by myself. As I rounded a corner, I came upon a gaggle of geese filling the road. I slowed down to give them space to clear a path for me, but they seemed oblivious to my presence. I may even think they were stubbornly choosing to hog the road. :)

So, I was forced to cross the road and walk on the curb to proceed on my walk---all the while dodging their "mess" left all over the road. But just as I was about to pass the group of them, I began to hear movement and hissing behind me. Sure enough, one of the geese was moving fast toward me, head back, beak open, honking and hissing as it approached. I turned my head while still moving my feet to assess the situation, but it seemed to move faster upon eye contact.

Determined not to scream and run like a fool in front of the neighbors nearby, I decided to stand my ground. I pivoted to face it and yelled, "stop!" :) It paused, honked loudly, and then turned to join the flock. I think my tone and stance told it I meant business even though my inner self was praying it didn't charge at me. As I continued on my way, I occasionally glanced over my shoulder to make sure I wasn't being stalked. lol

I don't know how these situations seem to happen to me often...I was once chased by a wild turkey at a local nature center! I did scream and run that day. But, maybe it's how God chooses to teach me something---to make connections between spiritual truths and real life application.

After my anxiety faded, my mind went to these Scriptures:

"Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong." 1 Cor. 16:13 NLT

"Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil." Ephesians 6:11

"Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." Ephesians 6:18

Scripture is full of admonitions to stand firm in our faith. We don't have to be bossed around by the Enemy, our emotions, or our flesh. When temptations come hurtling our way, we can have confidence to stand our ground as heirs of Christ. It may require us to boldly shout "no" to what is nipping at our heels and to flee from the danger as quickly as possible. But it is always necessary to call upon God for help and rescue. He is always faithful.

"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV

God never leaves us without defense. There will be a way through it, and He will always be victorious in our lives. Sin can only have as much hold on us as we allow it to. The same power that raised Jesus to new life is working to strengthen us in our weaknesses. It doesn't mean it's easy to choose God's ways, but it does mean it's possible. And, it's always, always worth it to live in ways that bring glory to God.

While my silly goose story is an imperfect analogy for our battles with our flesh, the Spirit used it to remind me of how to defeat threats to my spiritual well-being. We don't have to cower in fear to their voices. We can face them with strength as we stand firm in the truths of Scripture and character of God.

Satan knows our weaknesses and will exploit them when he can. But God's power is unmatched, and we can rest in that fact. What do you need to face to say no to today? What are you allowing to chase after you instead of courageously facing it, dressed in the armor of God?

We are more than conquerors, friends. Stand firm in your battles, believing that God will give victory and strength to win the war. I'm praying for you!

Your sister in Christ,
My signature

A Big Birthday!

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Monday is my 50th birthday! It's hard to wrap my mind around that number. It makes me feel an urgency about how I am stewarding my time on this earth, however long that may be. This birthday has me missing my mom something fierce. I sure wish we could celebrate it together---she made great birthday treats and always found creative gifts for me. She knew me well, and it's hard to feel that void at times like these. I sure do appreciate all the memories made on my birthday through the years with her though. I hope to make those I love feel the same kind of joy on their special days as she showed to me. Though I can't say I am thrilled to be 50 :), I am thrilled and thankful to be heathy and alive! It's not something I ever want to take for granted. So, happy 50th to me! Good food and vintage shopping with people I love makes me happy!

New article!

An interview with Walking in Providence ministries on this empty-nest season I'm in. Click the link to read: Walked through a season of an empty nest.
women walking in providence

Coming Soon!

Grace devotional front cover
Grace devotional back cover
Here is a preview of my book coming out this fall on the topic of grace. It is a compilation of 30 reflections gleaned from a biblical study on the often-overlooked kindnesses of God. How are things like God's wrath, His timing, or spiritual tensions acts of grace in our lives?

LAST CALL! A Favor to Ask.

Grace question graphic
I am working on a project and would like to insert some of my readers responses to these two questions on grace. If you don't want your name listed, just let me know. :)
We talk a lot about being saved by grace, but don't always know how to articulate how God's grace sustains our lives. What kindness, favor, blessing, goodness, or spiritual benefit can you testify about today? Hit reply to the email with your reflection of grace.
A final note of encouragement:

Romans 15:13: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

If you need prayer, please send me a message, and I will be more than happy to intercede on your behalf.
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